VMI-based Distribution System Helps Zimbabwe Achieve Public

This case study was a finalist for  the CSCMP 2014 Supply Chain Innovation Award. A successful adaptation of vendor-managed inventory (VMI) principles, used extensively in the commercial sector, for the developing country public health sector context, DTTU (Delivery Team Topping Up) is a “rolling warehouse,” truck-based inventory control system implemented by six partners USAID | Zimbabwe (through the USAID |DELIVER PROJECT and Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)), Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC), the Ministry of Health and Child Care Directorate of Pharmacy Services (MOHCC-DPS), the National Pharmaceutical Company (NatPharm), and the UK Department for International Development (DfID) through Crown Agents Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd. With very little interruption, DTTU trucks have rolled out to make deliveries to the country’s more than 1,600 facilities. Throughout its expansion, the system has maintained high reporting rates and delivery coverage, and low stockout rates. Availability of essential health products contributes to the success of health programs in achieving their health impact goals. Note: Case study fees are nonrefundable.
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