CSCMP Roundtables

Connect Locally to Maximize Your Education and Networking

CSCMP has 40 roundtables across the U.S. and around the globe. Local roundtables offer a unique way to get involved in CSCMP and grow your knowledge and network as a supply chain management professional within your state or region. As a CSCMP member you can volunteer and/or connect both globally and locally to maximize your education and professional networking.

Roundtable Events

CSCMP roundtables produce over 200 events per year attracting over 6,000 attendees from 3,000 companies worldwide. Our roundtables are run by a volunteer network consisting of CSCMP members who host hundreds of local events per year, including educational events, networking events, facility tours and more. (Code of Conduct) 

Finding Your Roundtable

CSCMP membership includes both global membership benefits as well as local roundtable assignment. You can also self-select other roundtables you are interested in through your CSCMP membership account page. Find your Local Roundtable.

Local Roundtable Benefits

As a local roundtable member, supporter and/or volunteer, take advantage of hands-on learning and networking in your local supply chain community:

  • Member-to-member relationship building – Connect with hundreds of professionals in your local area.
  • Access to industry leaders – Meet and learn from top supply chain experts.
  • Insight and perspective – Gain viewpoints of SCM insiders.
  • Solutions and best practices – Learn how to solve personal and organizational challenges.
  • Referrals to customers – Close business in your local market.
  • Stand out through volunteer leadership.

Start a New Roundtable

Roundtables help CSCMP reach members locally. With over 40 global roundtables, this community serves as a vital connection to informative meetings, educational seminars, and rewarding relationships.

Regional Roundtable Start-Up

If you are interested in forming a new Roundtable in your local area, we invite you to review the Regional Petition Guidelines and complete the Petition Form

Student Roundtable Start-Up

If you are interested in forming a new Student Roundtable at your University/College, please review the Student Petition Guidelines and make sure to get permission from a faculty advisor to complete the petition.