Local Volunteer Opportunities

CSCMP’s local roundtable events are supported and hosted by over 400 dedicated volunteers globally. Local roundtables are always seeking volunteers who are willing to share their expertise and to contribute to supply chain management and the future success of CSCMP. 

Volunteer Criteria

Membership is required to serve as a volunteer for any CSCMP local roundtable or in any capacity under the CSCMP umbrella. Only members can vote on CSCMP related matters, conduct business, negotiate for the roundtable and sign contracts. Thus, you must maintain your membership throughout your term.

Volunteers are never paid for their contributions to CSCMP, and travel, meals and lodging expenses are the responsibility of the volunteer.

Individually or Team

Your local roundtable is the perfect platform to develop and/or improve leadership skills outside of the office environment. Through various roles you and/or your team can unite behind a shared purpose while developing future leaders for both your company and supply chain.  

Serving as a roundtable volunteer also gives you and/or your organization the highest level of access and visibility to local membership and your prospective customers. Consider volunteer roles for yourself and/or your team that will help develop natural talents or challenge expected skills. 

How to Volunteer

Fill out the official Roundtable Volunteer Candidacy Application form. Your form will be forwarded to the designated roundtable officer for review. Please allow 2 weeks to receive a response. 

Roundtable Board Positions

Each roundtable must have a full board presiding over the local assigned membership. These roles serve as the Roundtable's Leadership Team, preserving CSCMP’s mission and vision, ensuring succession for the roundtable.

Board members serve a two-year term and spend an average of 2-6 hours per week on roundtable related matters: 

  • President – responsible for providing clear direction, guidance, and oversight to all operating officers and committees.
  • VP of Programs – responsible for planning programs for the year and management of the speakers, panelists and topics.
  • VP of Membership – responsible for member engagement campaigns, welcoming new members and recruitment of new members.
  • Treasurer – responsible for the overall fiscal management of the roundtable and budget.
  • Secretary – responsible for the communication, minutes, and technology functions of the roundtable, including event management and marketing.
  • Young Professionals Chair – responsible for engaging the next generation of supply chain leaders to CSCMP and the local roundtable.

Roundtable Committees

The presiding roundtable leadership team determines the goals for their roundtable and may assemble a committee(s) of Chairs or member-at-large volunteers to achieve those goals.

Committee Chair - the role of each Committee Chair is defined by the roundtable and may vary in capacities such as Education, Marketing, Sponsorship, Tours, Nomination, Events, etc.) 
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week (varies per roundtable)
Qualities: Committee Chairs may aspire to rise through the ranks of roundtable leadership which is a great opportunity for someone looking to get more serious about the role of volunteer leader.  

Committee Member - committee members will report to a Committee Chair in any given area determined by the roundtable. Roles range from registration, customer service, badge distribution, website management, programs, photographer.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week (varies per roundtable)
Qualities: This is a great option for those volunteering for the first time with CSCMP and looking to get engaged with their local roundtable and develop and/or demonstrate leadership skills.

Members-at-Large - member-at-large roles are at the discretion of the roundtable and often these volunteers are called upon for specific needs. They are likely to report to Committee Chairs or Board Officers depending on their history with the roundtable.  
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month (varies per roundtable)
Qualities: Often viewed as an advisory role and perfect for retired members still seeking to stay involved.